Parents’ relationship with their children in the area of education has been critical during the pandemic.

Many countries are now returning to the classroom, but parents’ fear of sending their children to school has been a major consideration.

Due to this and the impossibility of some countries to return to physical educational spaces, virtuality has taken much prominence. Today at Orange County American High School we want to share some advice to parents about online learning due to the educational challenge of their children in this pandemic:


Learn about communication technologies

If parents do not manage or value the use of new technologies, it will be very difficult for them to guide their children in this type of education. For this reason parents must look for information about these technologies to properly support their children.

It is important to understand that family and school are the two great pillars of support for the success of virtual education.


Establish study schedules

The work plan is considered the schedule, which is a distribution of time where responsibilities are established. Online education usually does not have a formal schedule, therefore, it is the task of parents and educational advisors to help establish the work plans. This element provides the opportunity for parents to be better organized and to set aside the time needed to support their children’s education.

It is also necessary that parents can be flexible with these schedules and that they dialogue with their children to assign study hours that do not interfere with the sharing spaces and breaks.


Choose a Study Space

With virtual education there is no limitation of place, since you can study from anywhere. This allows children to learn in any space of the house while their parents carry out their tasks. For this reason parents must designate a specific space for their children within the house, so the children develop a sense of ownership when they are determined to learn.

This study space must be neutral and have limited distractions, where children can be supervised regularly. When children go to school, parents are assured that their children are supervised in their education, and the same should be at home by teachers and parents.


Have open communication

This is the last advice and one of the most important. Communication is a key element for virtual education. So try to maintain all means of communication between your child and his or her teachers.


These times demand new skills which will be decisive for the education of our children. As Donna J. Abernathy says, “Online learning won’t be the next big thing, it’s the big thing now”.


The support of the teachers has been outstanding. They are willing to try new things and help my child grow and learn at her own pace. They also value and respect my input as a parent. I like the fact that the teachers and staff are very caring. They give my student more individualized attention than he had before.

Amy Adams

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