Request Information

Choose the Mix of Online and Onsite Learning That Works for Your Child  

OCAHS Blended Learning program combines the best of online learning with a structured classroom environment at several locations accross the globe.

With OCAHS Blended Learning, students in grades 4–12 receive instruction tailored to fit their unique learning needs. They can access OCAHS’s engaging online curriculum and hands-on materials along with onsite instructional support and enrichment opportunities.

Your student will benefit from:

  • Online classes with face-to-face instruction from highly qualified, certified teachers
  • Additional support in math from certified math teachers
  • Multiple ways to access content and demonstrate mastery
  • In-person collaboration with classmates and teachers
  • Participation in service learning and community service projects, student clubs, and more

Blended Learning Program “I Understand and Agree” Statements (Required Contract from Learning Coach)

The purpose of the following statements is to clearly state expectations of Learning Coaches that have students enrolled in the Blended Learning Program. For students to be successful, it is important that Learning Coaches are in agreement with these statements.

I Understand and Agree that…

  • My student needs to attend the Blended Learning Center (BLC) per the Student Commitment Agreement.
  • Students need to be signed in/out daily by authorized adult if age 12 or younger. Students 13 and older may sign themselves in/out per the Waiver and Permission to Arrive and/or Depart without Adult Supervision
  • I am required to have access to a computer with Internet access at all times during my student’s enrollment in OCAHS and the Blended Learning
  • When students are not at the BLC, they are still expected to be completing school requirements from home (or other location with internet connection).
  • My student and I will check and respond to communications daily.
  • My student must not have access to my Learning Coach
  • I will communicate with the site staff as soon as I am aware of any pending (Per BL Handbook policy, when a student has 3 or more unexcused BLC absences, they are at risk for losing their spot at the BLC)
  • My student is required to dress in an appropriate manner and within the BL Dress Code Policy when attending the
  • My student is not allowed to use cell phones during class time; students who need to use a phone are able to use the classroom phone with site staff
  • Students are expected to behave in a respectful, safe, and non-disruptive
  • My student will only access school-related websites while at the BLC (Study Island, OLS, etc.).
  • My student is expected to attend any required class connect sessions while attending the BLC.
  • My student is expected to bring any needed materials and supplies with them to the BLC (textbooks, student guides, notebooks, paper, pencils, flash drives, mic headsets).
  • My student/s is required to wear their ID cards while at the BLC at all times
  • My student/s is required to complete weekly planners, provided by Blended Learning Center, and it is the responsibility of the student to make sure a parent or guardian signs the planner each

By signing this form I am agreeing to the statements highlighted above as well as acknowledging that I have read and understand the policies and expectations outlined in the Blended Learning handbook.

Student(s) Name:                   

Learning Coach Signature:                                                  



Our vision is to provide a safe, individualized learning environment where all students can succeed academically and socially.


OCAHS empowers students to reach their highest potential through partnerships between students, families, and dedicated teachers, in order to prepare them for future educational goals and careers.

OCAHS uses ActiveLearning ECO System programs and curricula to meet the needs of diverse student populations through innovative uses of technology, effective teachers and instruction, and partnerships with families and community, while specifically serving students who are struggling academically, severely academic credit deficient, and are at a higher risk for dropout. The program empowers students to think critically and achieve academic success and personal growth with specialized support and programs.


The Blended Learning Centers are composed of skilled, dedicated, and motivated administrators, teachers, and site staff. Site Coordinators and teachers work with online teachers and staff to provide support to students and Learning Coaches.

Absence from the Blended Learning Center

It is critical that students are present for class at the Blended Learning center each week. Consistent attendance helps heighten student academic achievement. In order for an absence to be excused, there must be a valid cause. Please call the site directly or send an email to your site staff the morning of your student’s absence.

As each site is unique, some may hold waitlists. If your site holds a waitlist, the following policy may be enacted — After three unexcused absences from Blended Learning center, withdrawal* from the blended learning program may result.

*Withdrawal from the blended learning program may not be a withdrawal from OCAHS.

Monitor Student Progress

According to school policies, it is the responsibility of the Learning Coach to consistently monitor student progress. In addition to progress monitoring by the Learning Coach, your site staff will also be monitoring student progress regularly, along with content teachers and virtual staff. If student progress and/or grades are falling below expectations, you may be called upon for a conference. Each student is provided with a Daily Planner which will contain information about student progress, assignments completed, upcoming assignments, and Blended Learning monthly events.


After parking, please come directly to the Blended Learning center. Please do not loiter outside the building.

Emergency Procedures

As each Blended Learning center is unique, emergency policies at each center may vary. The site staff will have access to all emergency procedures and will review them with you and students at various times during the school year.

Medications in School

It is preferred for all medications to be administered by the parent or guardian before or after the session.

All students: If medications are needed while at the center a waiver for permission to administer medications must be on file.

All students must turn in medications to the site staff and all medication must be in the original container. No medications may be kept in the student’s possession at school. The only exception to this rule is for students who have been prescribed to use inhalers.

Illness or Injury at School

In the event of extreme emergency, emergency service will be called before the parent or guardian is notified. For non-emergency situations, the student’s parent or guardian will be notified and asked to pick up the student as soon as possible. If the parent/guardian is unavailable, the emergency contact listed on the student emergency information form will be called.

Food Allergies

All food allergies must be noted on the student emergency information form. We ask that all students and families be sensitive to the health issues of other students. Signs may be posted in the center to indicate there are children in the building with severe allergies. All Blended Learning Centers have a NO NUT PRODUCT Policy in place as we have numerous students with nut allergies.

Please be careful when packing lunches and snacks. We ask that you refrain from sending any nut products to the site so it can remain a healthy environment for all. Please respect the posted signs and immediately remove any products that may contain the indicated ingredient and refrain from purchasing.

Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting

OCAHS and are required by law to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to relevent authorities.


Transportation to and from the Blended Learning center and any planned field activities is the responsibility of the parent and student. Bus pass scholarships may be available on a limited basis to students who meet specific qualifications. Please contact your site staff for details of this program.


Read the Code

Prior to the start date for each school year, students must read the Student Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Guidelines and agree to abide by its terms. This code is in addition to any rules and regulations set forth by the Blended Learning center’s site staff.

Blended Learning Center Student Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Guidelines

This document describes the policies and guidelines for the use of the Online School and exists to ensure that all OCAHS students are aware of and understand their responsibilities when accessing and using OCAHS resources.

OCAHS reserve the right to update or alter this agreement at any time. Such revisions may substantially alter access to OCAHS instructional computing resources. OCAHS instructional computing resources include any computer, software, or transmission system that is owned, operated, or leased by OCAHS .

Students enrolled in OCAHS should be aware of the following guidelines and expectations. Any activity that is not listed here, which violates local, state, or federal laws, is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Guidelines.

Failure to follow these guidelines could result in the

  • Removal of student access to OCAHS or Insight instructional computing resources, which could result in his/her inability to complete learning activities,
  • Suspension or permanent removal from the Blended Learning Center,
  • Involvement with law enforcement agencies and possible legal


  • Posting anonymous messages is not permitted unless authorized by the course’s online teacher. Impersonating another person is also strictly prohibited.
  • Students must use only their own user names and passwords, and must not share these with
  • Students may not interfere with other users’ ability to access OCAHS or Insight, or disclose anyone’s password to others or allow them to use another user’s account. Students are responsible for all activity that is associated with their usernames and
  • Students must not download, transmit or post material that is intended for personal gain or profit, non-OCAHS commercial activities, non- OCAHS product advertising, or political lobbying on an OCAHS or Insight owned instructional computing
  • Students may not use OCAHS or Insight instructional computing resources to sell or purchase any illegal items or
  • Students may not upload or post any software on OCAHS or Insight instructional computing resources that are not specifically required and approved for student
  • Students may not post any MP3 files, compressed video, or other non- instructional files to any OCAHS

Inappropriate Behavior

Inappropriate behavior includes:

  • Insults or attacks of any kind against another person,
  • Use of obscene, degrading, or profane language,
  • Harassment (continually posting unwelcome messages to another person) or use of threats,
  • Viewing inappropriate material on the internet as determined by the site staff
  • Posting material that is obscene or defamatory or which is intended to annoy, harass or intimidate another person. This includes distributing “spam” mail, chain e-mail, viruses, or other intentionally destructive content.
  • Any conduct intended to obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with teaching, administrative or disciplinary
  • Threatening the educational institution by interference with or disruption of the school.
  • Physical abuse of or threat of harm to any person on property, or at Blended Learning sponsored or supervised
  • Damage or threat of damage to
  • Forceful or unauthorized entry to
  • Unlawful use, possession, distribution, or sale of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs or other illegal contraband on property or during Blended Learning sponsored
  • Failure to comply with the lawful directions of school staff, officials, or any other law enforcement officers acting in performance of their
  • Engaging in any conduct constituting a breach of any federal, state, or city law.
  • Carrying or possessing a weapon on the

Any student who violates these policies and regulations may be subject to discipline to include: assignment of up to 10 community service hours, and/or short term or long term suspension or permanent removal from the Blended Learning center, in addition to other civil and criminal prosecution.

Right to Freedom from Harassment/Bullying

Bullying and harassment of students is prohibited. Harassment and bullying mean physical or psychological abuse of another student by means of verbal or physical threats, intimidation, insults or other aggressive behavior and include abuse based upon race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, or sexual orientation or identity. It can take many forms including: slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendos, demeaning comments, drawings, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, spoken or physical actions. This includes cyber bullying via texting, voicemail, email and other means such as twittering, etc.

If a student believes that he or she has been harassed, bullied or hazed, the student should report the behavior immediately to his/her site staff. Students who engage in harassment, bullying or hazing will be subject to disciplinary and criminal sanctions.

Student Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination which is a violation of Section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and Title IX. Prohibited sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Examples include:

  • Unwelcome leering, staring, sexual flirtations or
  • Unwelcome sexual slurs, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments or sexually degrading
  • Unwelcome graphic verbal comments about an individual’s
  • Unwelcome sexual jokes, stories, drawings, pictures or
  • Unwelcome spreading of sexual
  • Unwelcome teasing or sexual remarks about a student enrolled in a predominantly single-sex
  • Unwelcome touching of an individual’s body or


Possession of a weapon on school property or at any school-sponsored activity is prohibited. A student found to be in possession of a weapon on school premises before, during or after school, or at any school-sponsored activity, will be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action. Weapons are identified as articles commonly used or designed to inflict bodily harm. Examples are: firearms, knuckles, switch blade/butterfly knives, chains, clubs, stars, etc. Articles that are designed for other purposes but are being used to harm or intimidate such as

belts, files, compasses, pencils etc. may and can be considered weapons and are subject to similar disciplinary actions.

Dress Code

Cleanliness, neatness, and appropriateness are the standards which will be followed by students in their personal dress and grooming. Styles that hinder the learning process, are disruptive, inappropriate or vulgar, will not be permitted.

Any clothing referencing drugs, alcohol, or gangs will not be permitted on site. Clothing should cover all body parts.

Please be aware that the site staff has the right to question disruptive or inappropriate attire.

Cell Phones

Using cell phones while in a class is prohibited. Students who need cell phones to communicate with their family are required to have their cell phone silenced during class time. Cell phones must remain out of sight and kept in a student’s backpack, bag, purse, or pocket and only be taken out during designated breaks. If a call needs to be made during class time, students will gain permission from their site staff to use the classroom phone and will be expected to complete the call in a way that will not disrupt other students who are working. If any student violates this policy multiple times, his/her cell phone may be confiscated until a parent or guardian retrieves it. The site is equipped with a phone children can be reached at during school hours.

Blended Learning Center Suspension/Permanent Removal Policies

The following policies are in reference to suspension or permanent removal from Blended Learning program, not OCAHS. If a student is suspended or permanently removed from the Blended Learning program, he/she should continue to attend school and complete schoolwork from home.

A student may be removed from contact with other students as a temporary measure for violations of the student code of conduct. A student may be suspended from learning center for up to five (5) school days, after a conference with the site staff, the Blended Learning Principal, the student, and the student’s parents is held. The authority to suspend a student rests with the Blended Learning Principal. If a danger to students or staff members exists, the site staff may immediately remove the student from school. In no instance shall students be released early from school unless parents have been notified.

Please note: Because the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires additional procedural safeguards, all district personnel administering discipline to students will always follow discipline procedures for students who meet eligibility criteria for special education.

Suspension for five days or less:

  • The student will receive notice, written or oral, of the reason for suspension and documented evidence of the alleged
  • After receiving notice, the student will be asked for an explanation of the situation.
  • After verifying facts and statements, a written report will be submitted from the site staff and the student may write a statement if he/she
  • The Blended Learning Principal may suspend the student for up to ten days, choose other disciplinary alternatives, exonerate the student, recommend long term suspension, permanent removal from the program, or

When suspension is involved, a parent must be notified before the student is allowed to leave campus.

A letter to the parents will be written within a reasonable time to explain terms and reasons for the suspension and to request a meeting to solicit their help.

Long term suspensions:

Long term suspension is defined as exclusion from the Blended Learning Center for time periods over 5 days up to the conclusion of the school year. Offenses for which long term suspension may be imposed are:

  • Fighting or engaging in violent behavior
  • Threatening an educational institution
  • Selling, using or possessing weapons, firearms, explosives, or dangerous instruments
  • Making a bomb threat
  • Engaging in

Long Term suspension procedures:

  • The student will receive notice, written or oral, of the reason for suspension and the evidence the Blended Learning staff have of the alleged
  • After receiving notice, the student will be asked for an explanation of the situation. After verifying facts and statements, a written report will be submitted from the site staff and the student may write a statement if they so
    1. The parent, student, site staff and the Blended Learning Principal conference will convene within 10 days of the infraction to determine disposition. Students may be suspended from the date of infraction pending the discipline
  • At the conclusion of the conference the Blended Learning Principal may choose other disciplinary alternatives, exonerate the student, recommend short term suspension, suspend the student for the remainder of the current academic semester, or expel the student permanently from the

Appeal process:

Any disciplinary decision may be appealed to the Blended Learning Principal within 3 days of receiving notice whether written or oral of the disciplinary decision. The letter must describe in detail any objections to the decision rendered. After receipt of the appeal a discipline conference will be scheduled with parent, student, and Blended Learning and School administration.


Unacceptable Uses: Personal Safety

Students will not post personal contact information about themselves or other people. Personal contact information includes (but is not limited to) home, school, or work addresses and telephone numbers. Students will not agree to meet    with someone they have met online. Students should notify their parent(s) or guardian(s) and site staff if someone online has asked to meet with them. Students will promptly disclose to the site staff or adult volunteer of any message that they receive that is inappropriate, offensive or makes them feel uncomfortable.

System Security

Students are responsible for their individual user account, and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their account. Under no conditions should they provide their password to another person. Students must immediately notify their site staff or adult volunteer if they have witnessed or identified a possible security problem.

Inappropriate Language

Restrictions against inappropriate language apply to public messages, private messages, and materials posted to the Internet. Students may not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, defamatory, threatening or disrespectful forms of communication. This applies to verbal, and written language, diagrams, photographs, representations, videos, or any other form of communication.

Students will not engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks.


OCAHS reserve the right to amend or change the codes detailed in this handbook at any time. Should you need additional information, or have any questions regarding policies outlined in this handbook, please feel free to contact the Blended Learning Principal. Contact information for the Blended Learning Principal and school specific administration can be found on this page.


Review Teacher Credentials – Pursuant to A.R.S. 15-183 F., parents may review resumes of OCAHS teachers by calling the school office at (888) 242-4262.

McKinney Vento Act – The McKinney Vento Act of 1987, or P.L. 100-77, ensures that each child of a homeless individual, and each homeless youth shall have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other children and youth. Under the Act, schools are prohibited from delaying a homeless child’s entry into school due to delays in obtaining school records. Rules regarding guardianship must be waived for homeless students living with foster Learning Coaches or relatives other than their legal guardians.

OCAHS can offer school supplies to qualifying homeless youth. Determinations of qualifying students are made on a case-by-case basis.

OCAHS can offer school supplies to qualifying homeless youth. Determinations of qualifying students are made on a case-by-case basis.

Learning Coaches may review the school Admission of Homeless Children and Youth policy by calling the school office at (888) 242-4262.

Student Records – Student records are maintained at the school office. Learning Coaches/parents and/or guardians may contact the school office to obtain a copy of student records. A copying fee may be assessed. If Learning Coaches/parents and/or guardians change their address, telephone number, e-mail address, or place of employment, they are asked to notify their teacher immediately. Learning Coaches are responsible for keeping contact information current within the 

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides Learning Coaches and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights regarding the student’s education records.

These rights are:

  • The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the School receives a request for access. To request an inspection and review, the Learning Coach or eligible student should submit a written request to the Operations Manager that identifies the record (s) they wish to inspect. The Operations Manager makes arrangements for access and notifies the Learning Coach or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be
  • The right to request an amendment of the student’s education records that the Learning Coach or eligible student believes are inaccurate. Learning Coaches or eligible students may ask the School to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the Operations Manager, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the School decides not to amend the record as requested by the Learning Coach or eligible student, the School notifies the Learning Coach or eligible student of the decision and advises him/her of his/her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures is provided to the Learning Coach or eligible student when notified of the right to a
  • The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA allows disclosure without consent. One exception that permits the School to disclose information without consent is when the School discloses information to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by or contracted to provide services to or designated by the contractor to provide services to the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the Board of Directors of the School; a person or company with whom the School has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a Learning Coach or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the School discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave., S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20202-4605