The current pandemic not only affects health but also increases and reveals social inequality. 

One of the most powerful consequences that the world is going through is the one originated by the economic and social inequality. They are the result of the diverse containment strategies applied by the countries in order to avoid the spread of coronavirus. 

How are these actions affecting education and what is the relationship with social inequality? 

The first cause is revealed through the educative losses associated with the closure of schools in various countries. According to data from UNESCO in April of this year, 192 countries announced the closure of all schools and universities. Many of these countries, especially in Latin America, did so without a strategic technology plan to meet the needs of the population. 

The reduction of study time significantly affects students’ academic performance. When education is lost, opportunities and economic benefits decrease. 

In recent research, it is estimated that the most affected population is that which does not have educational alternatives and is obliged by condition to attend public institutions. 

These disadvantaged students have fewer opportunities to access technological learning tools or virtual schools since their parents do not have the educational level and preparation to provide them with the necessary support in the educative process they need at home. 

This pandemic has put the current educational system to the test, revealing social inequality in various countries, causing an increase in dropouts and affecting learning levels, leading to the economic collapse of many private institutions that do not have the necessary number of students to cover their expenses.  

One of the proposals to face the educational and inequality problem originated by the pandemic is related to the collaborative learning systems. There it is intended to design multiple learning spaces where each student can share what they have learned and help their classmates. 

Despite the fact that quarantine has reduced the number of deaths, it is necessary to become aware, reflect, and make sustainable investments. 


At this time, to speak of virtual education is to speak of sustainable investment in time. Therefore, it is necessary that the diverse countries can destine resources for the creation of virtual environments in public institutions. This can be done by means of alliances that improve the accessibility of people to technology. 

Countries are concerned with overcoming poverty and inequality, and they are impossible to overcome without education.  



Consecuencias de la pandemia del COVID-19 en las desigualdades sociales en el largo plazo | PNUD en América Latina y el Caribe. (2020). UNDP. Retrieved 2 July 2020, from 

inicial, D., trabajo, E., educación, G., educativa, I., & educativos, S. (2020). La educación ante el Covid-19 en América Latina: Retos y alternativas de política – Enfoque Educación. Enfoque Educación. Retrieved 2 July 2020, from 


The support of the teachers has been outstanding. They are willing to try new things and help my child grow and learn at her own pace. They also value and respect my input as a parent. I like the fact that the teachers and staff are very caring. They give my student more individualized attention than he had before.

Amy Adams

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