The biggest problem these days is scheduling, but if you’re here reading this then you probably already know that. How many times have you had to cut work to take a child to soccer practice? Even worse, how many times have you had to miss a soccer game because of work? School can definitely be a drain on a parent’s energy, and if you’re like the rest of us you’ve probably show up at the front doors in your bathrobe more than once. Seriously, who even has time to get a cup of coffee these days? An online high school is a great solution that will serve two purposes.

First of all it allows those who have special needs to access a curriculum designed specifically for them – something that you’re simply not going to find if you enroll your child in public school. The second benefit is that it will allow your child to set their own schedule, meaning they can simply climb out of bed in the morning, have breakfast, and then walk over to their computer to begin their day. If you think back and remember all of those days you had to walk uphill in the snow for three miles to get to your school, you’ll wish you had access to the top online high schools.

Online High SchoolWho is Online High School Suited To?

To put it quite simply, online high school is suited to anyone who wants to try it. Naturally there are some students who are better suited to the public school learning environment and we understand that perfectly. Some students enjoy the stimuli and truly appreciate the live classroom setting, but there are also many who simply cannot stand it. We firmly believe that all students have the ability and the right to thrive, and they can do so if they are placed in the right environment – we provide that environment and we are more than proud to do so!

What do We Offer?

We offer a wide range of courses, hundreds in fact, following all subjects on the K-12 spectrum. Our individual courses are well designed for a wide variety of students whether you want the core curriculum or something more along the lines of foreign languages and other elective courses. Bottom line: it has something for everyone and you, as a parent can be involved in the design of your child’s specific course. We simply don’t believe in handing your child an agenda and hoping for the best – we’re just not a public school. Can it get any better? Absolutely, student athletes will be able to take part in NCAA approved courses, making it officially one of the most well rounded online schooling programs around.

All in all, this is a well rounded school with many programs designed to meet a variety of needs; it just doesn’t get any better than that, and we’re pretty sure you’ll agree once you see what we have to offer you.

How do you Get Started?

Orange County American High SchoolGetting started is very easy, all you will need to do is head over to our website, and the best part is that you can enroll any time you please. This includes the summer, holidays, and any other time that you desire – getting in has never been easier and you don’t have to wait for specific times. After all, there is nothing worse than waiting for enrollment to open at the school of your choice!

Once you complete enrollment you will have the opportunity to select from a number of online courses, and you’ll follow up by submitting a transfer request from the school of your choice, whether public or  private. Once you’re ready you will have the opportunity to meet with one of our certified teachers to discuss your proficiency in the given subjects, get a plan in plan in place for your coursework, and finally, begin your classes. Yes, it’s that easy. Give us a call or send us an e-mail today. It’s time for your child to get the chance that they deserve.



The support of the teachers has been outstanding. They are willing to try new things and help my child grow and learn at her own pace. They also value and respect my input as a parent. I like the fact that the teachers and staff are very caring. They give my student more individualized attention than he had before.

Amy Adams

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  1. […] is a solution that meets you halfway and gives your child a much better chance of learning – online high school is now easier than ever before, especially given the number of households that have internet access […]

  2. […] addition to that, online high school offers opportunities to those who live in rural areas and may not have access to the more advanced […]

  3. […] worry, we’re here to help and our online high school is a great way for you to get your foot in the door. It won’t be too long before you’re on your […]

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