
This course addresses the formulation, implementation, monitoring and control of business strategies and supporting organizational policies. Students learn to evaluate the comprehensive business enterprise through an integrated view of the various functional disciplines. This course attempts to develop the conceptual and abstract skills required by leaders of businesses in a competitive environment in order to understand business issues and challenges from the perspective of all functional managers. This course is intended as the “Capstone” course for the students’ curriculum where much of what was learned during the students’ program is integrated into an applied context.
The course is divided into two parts. Part One deals with the foundational concepts of leading a business and setting business policy strategically. Part One will cover: (1) the concepts of establishing a business vision from which business plans will align, (2) building a business team to execute business goals, and (3) techniques to monitor business progress in implementing the goals.
Part Two takes the foundational concepts learned in Part One and applies them to case studies of real business situations. There is an important structure to the business applications presented in Part Two. The structure is called frame of reference analysis. The basis of this analysis is that most situations, whether oriented to business or not, consist of multiple disciplines or frames of reference. This analysis calls for studying subjects and situations through the lens or ‘frames’ of certain disciplines. In the course, the frames of references used to view strategic choices are: (1) the structural frame of reference, (2) the economic/business frame, (3) the political/cultural frame, and (4) the human resources frame. Each week, during Part Two, case studies are presented that examine a real business situation through the frame of reference of one of the above viewpoints. The final week of the course will be an integration exercise where the role of leadership is be examined.